Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Regarding the Poems

 Thank you for reading the poems!

Most of the poems that go up get edited during the first few days of their online life.  Often, I remark on the edits below the poem.

It's a very hard time to be alive for all of us. The US Empire is on the verge of going fascist, which would turn the whole world on its head.  It would mean WWIII.  Ethics is a technology.  And ethics needs to advance with other technologies.  If not, we will be stuck with narcissistic dictators, who cannot adapt rationally to a changing world, and who demand worship and fealty.    It is an ancient pattern, dictatorship by selfish warlords, and it always leads to war.

See my post:


Aside from that, there is futuristic advance.  The stretching 21st century will be as alien to us as the 20th century was to the people of the Victorian Era.  Humanity could have a fantastic future.  Better health.  Robots to help. Delights and ease.  Universal Basic Income.  Or the future could be hell.  It depends on our ethics.

We will be able to engineer angelic AI into existence.  Or AI that surveils, restricts and enslaves.   

It's all coming down.  Life on Earth, in a very real sense, is Purgatory.  We can craft a beautiful future.  Or an evil future.  It depends on who is in charge.  How leaders will use the powers that be at their disposal.

We often here from cynics that 'human nature' damns us.  

Well, no.  Many different cultures have existed, and they demonstrate that we are malleable .  A human can be predisposed (programmed, some would say) and situated in many ways.  We are not limited by evil.  We can seek the Good.  In fact, we have.  Women can now vote in many places--a HUGE change.

Ethical forces exist in the collective consciousness.  These forces struggle to be heard and to thrive.    

The best we can do, being the puny creatures we are, in this brutal universe, is to seek the Good.  The Good transcends any one religion.  

Yes, the nature of our universe saddles us with a cruel physics, a mean, vicious, unfair system of evolutionary selection.  And yet, it is a system we can control, one we can steer, through a combination of technology and intellect.

Fly Well In The Dark,




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