Friday, September 30, 2022

Poem: Last Dawn


Last Dawn


ebb of mango

over half moon

as a man between dusty walls

reclines the same way,

bedsheets rife with

twisty blooms,

while his clocks point

to coming hells

and unseen constellations. 

towers of plates,

stoic in the kitchen,

dwell too long there,

except they are. 

in the sink

a bristle of effete bones,

half with flesh,

a carving knife stuck through.


11/17 .. removed "to be" after "dwell to long"

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Poem: Resign




what could be more desperate

than a belt around the neck,

and the subzero of goodbyes,

and the failure, if someone cared.


it couldn’t just go on and on,

waiting for a slip,

and the unstoppable sense

that one is being sucked down,

swirled to drain away,

beneath a basin of daily rituals.


as if we even know what we are,

or why these roles, or the nature of the game. 

trite jangles on a gamut of nerves,

far more numerous than piano strings.



it sprints at full thigh,

but must leap, more than once,

the monster’s ditch,

and hence it loses, one by one,

its petal-like toes.


far too much keeps going on,

below the cheap magnetic shells,

down here in the nucleus.


3/13/23 ... "know" replaces "knew"  "are" replaces "were"

10/1/22    "the" replaces "a"  

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Poem: Change of Clime


Change of Clime


a rattlesnake half dust

employs itself

as a lounge chair.


a few jays wilt

on electric tethers.

no fusspot grackles

to gossip over the wires.


nothing blooms or flits.

plants beg for sauce.

heat whispers

but lizards have no ears.


above a crispy arroyo 

rusty with pummeled cars,

a vulture mistakes itself

for a poisoned roach.

such absurd meekness--

meek as the eluvia

prostrate before foothills

of molting char.


12/2/23  ... not a very accessible poem, some mods

10/1 "Clime" replaces "Climate"

9/25  massive changes

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Poem: The Statement


The Statement


our time must be spent

hiding from the statement.

it’s an absurd statement,

not for lack of truth, but the nudity.


why should life be see-through?

as with clothes,

the layers protect who you are.

and define you. 


and must be fashionable.




overwhelm your peers. 

others have worse problems.

shut up so they can fake it.




bother those who hide the past

in unworn lockets gifted by pain.


who opens a locket

to look at its face?

and who wouldn’t be horrified

by their own neglect?




try to be better.

others aren’t ready to cry

until the tears cleanse.



they scald as bad as battery acid.


don’t consider them tinctures

of sad little cures from the pure heart of an angel.


they won’t get through.



Thursday, September 15, 2022

Poem: Psychic





mingle and revolve,

persistent as a net,

clockwork as a waltz,


opening every pore and part

till memories blush,

a song from a sigh, a key in a crow’s foot,

a tincture on a taste bud, a smidgeon for the nose.

and later, so soft,

a nuzzle skirts a nipple, bliss rounds a navel,

fingertips strum a nape and 

the sculpted breaths,

frivolous with daily haggles,

poetry of a moment, verbal and mercurial,

frolic-flocking the stage  



herringbone clouds and orbital Geminis,

and all the other mysterious cog-pixies of an anti-clockwork universe.


too many utterances loquacious-obstreperous, 

mishmashes of victory-or-crime mouths

kissing to curse, forgiving to berate,

so many hungers

who could assuage or offer naked assurance,

or dispel the flypapery sins of their buzzy beggary?

nothing left, except to go blank, sever threads,

dispel the guests to wander meddlesome,

back to those goal posts, unconscious and horizonal,

so jealous of time.


12/24/22 lots of mods ... sad... still not right

9/27 "such" replaces "their"

9/17 ... desperate continuous edits... 

9/16 ... more changes to this product of mania

9/16  ... changes continue to the original abomination ... 

9/16  major changes to original poem, tossing out whole sections ... gutting the rest ... absolutely awful poem to have posted ... might still be awful, can't really say, brain so muddled

Monday, September 12, 2022

Poem: Polar (triggering poem)




in a closet.

a place where the curled

reach up from a valley in a psalm.


hollow cloth hangs above.

crucified angels of wool,

or effigies of last defense.


no mediation,

not here in anxiety’s womb.

this valley in a psalm.


so inky at night.

this place where lack-of-movement

captures movement.


it prowls.  it alone stalks,

until dawn,

when a thought might think


the price of admission

beyond the door

is the same as the door.


Depression isolates.  But isolated time is time with the gods.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Poem: Winds To Ninety


Winds To Ninety


whips excite rifts,

emptiness sacrificed on a hectic altar,

guzzles of somersaults,

sacrifices of twists, 

gallows of invisible guts.



only to vanish in bursts and busts,

mocking tides, mocking gardens,

mocking weather, moons, and seasons

with the abominable doppler

of an irremediable howl.


gusty in the lush graveyard,

ghosts spray and bark,

no clock to check unclothed rants,

salve the savage sacrilege

or the cacophonic philippic.

enemy of the calm,

enemy of the conformed,

enemy of the praised, the rectified,

the vogue.


hectic flecks

swipe, spasm, slither,

torn from a tree bent humble as grass.

they churn up tears petrified yet splintered--

miserable arch illogical tears

of a stabbing, dying rain.


it bites our faces, windy wet curse,

inflicting lycanthropes lost:

fangs, muzzles, hackles, features,

they stretch our fake snarls in false hungers,

gleeful before an arena of gods,

lofty gods, cruel gods,

lunging on.


9/10 fixed typo  ("bursts" replaces "burst")

9/9 ... really hard poem to work... edited phrases hours after posting... still bad... 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Poem: Looking Back


Looking Back


the light

would’ve been dark in another room.

photons milled on walls,

pawns bumping pawns,

in a struggle of grey upon grey.


zooming out,

this was just another cell

of a planet in a district on a continent.

beyond that, a slapdash galaxy, 

dark of matter and cosmos.


anything human served as a morsel

for the Gargantua that was outer space.


it all interconnected, if only in one head,

what came out, in broken vomits,

drawn from a flawed moebius engine

that lost spokes within spokes of

wheels within wheels.

so it was:


this lonely universe

had taken a long time to craft its little beings,

the sort who could be forced to ponder

how tragic and magnificent

the will to spawn dramatically was.



10/3 lots of changes 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Poem: Post Crash


Post Crash


life’s this-and-that

comes with an end,

down into a final tunnel,

sunlight’s edge,

a single precise chop,

plunge of fate’s cleaver.


all at once embarrassed,

and not fitting in,

weak as a whimper,

unable to travel or excel,

lonely in this forced self-

judgmental place,

where patience

dribbles pride into a bedpan.


it is now you

who speaks to ancestors,

you who conjures visions:

chimeras of carnal beasts

sinful of primeval parts.


it is you who watches

the outside world blur

into tricks of charades,

where puppets, who would puppeteer,

yank in a mutual harness so vast

none commandeers.


it is you

who no longer cares

about knots in the guts of social distress. 

you who now feverish

makes love to a touchless spirit,

seeking more than anything

only her name.


and yet,

when the serene stills the circus,

no reward.

no god comes.  no cheers.

the world, it breeds on,

ruddy from laughter,

as if someone had failed

to scrounge an epitaph

for your puny isle.



9/8  "her" replaces "their" ... wanted a female goddess theme, personal preference

9/2 ... "dribbles" replaces "whittles"  "parts" replaces "part" ... other stuff