Tuesday, October 1, 2024

USA Media abandons Gaza to doom

 Mainstream US media is completely ignoring Gaza now and the genocidal conditions inflicted on them by Israel:

Analysts have identified Israel’s military campaign in Gaza as one of the deadliest and most destructive in recent history. Large areas of Gaza, including critical infrastructure, have been bombed to the ground, with about 63 percent of the total structures in the Gaza Strip estimated to be destroyed, damaged, or possibly damaged. According to the UN Development Programme (UNDP), even if a five-fold increase in construction materials were allowed into Gaza, it would take until 2040 to rebuild completely destroyed housing units. But it could take “approximately 80 years” if reconstruction were to follow the same pattern as after previous escalations.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza remains abysmal. At a recent press conference, UNICEF Director of Child Nutrition and Development Victor Aguayo estimated that “over 50,000 children suffer from acute malnutrition and need immediate treatment”, before warning of the ongoing risk of famine.

(UN Security Council)


2.2 million people in Gaza have been subjected to genocidal conditions by Israel's violence, which at best means a grey area, between genocide and atrocious war crimes that don't quite reach that status.  Now they are going to be forgotten as the war goes into Iran (my prediction).  

The US Empire, supplying weapons and now military support for the expanding Israeli aggression--Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, soon Iran--is showing its Evil side.  

Genocide is what the US empire inflicted on the Native American people in North American in the 17th-19th centuries, and it whitewashed that over (perverse pun intended)  Apparently it will do the same with the genocide in Gaza, gaslighting it into the non-existence of mainstream-media silence.

I cry out to the gods, why did you create a world where might-makes-right, the force of Evil, always seems to win?  And why put us in this position, where might-makes-right, the force of Evil, will damn us all, very soon, it seems, to the fires of WW3?  

I love my country for the progress it has made.  And I hate it just as much for its global wicked cruelties.


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