Thursday, November 4, 2021

Call Trumpism What It Is.

From A History of the World in the Twentieth Century, by J.A.S Grenville: 

 [Pre-WWII] fascism was a movement designed to secure the support of the masses for a leader without the intermediary of a democratically elected parliament.  It was a substitute for democracy, giving the masses the illusion of power without the reality.  Thus, though violently anti-communist, fascism appeared to support the existing social and economic hierarchy of society and so appealed to the right.  Fascism made a virtue of destroying the powers of parties and divisions in the state.  It stood for 'strength through unity' at the expense of civil liberties.  The cult of the leader was fostered by the leader above all and his principal lieutenants.  Fascism was a chauvinist male-oriented movement assigning women to the role of child-bearing and raising a family.  It was stridently nationalist.  The leader, with virtually unlimited powers, stood at the apex of a party, a private army and a bureaucracy.  Violence against opponents cowed possible opposition.  The fascist army and bureaucracy of course ensured that tens of thousands would have a vested interest in preserving the fascist state.  Here loyalty to the movement, not social standing, provided an avenue to advancement to the unscrupulous and the ambitious.  (ch.18, p.152)

Why can't we stop calling the Republicans "conservative" and call them what they really are, authoritarians?  Why must the Democrats be so cowardly?



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