Sunday, March 14, 2021

Poem: Stuck




the dresser flaunted caterpillar knobs,

climbing as it was the walls. 


the mirror wore always only itself,

a coat of light too threadbare for warmth,

while the giraffe neck lamp

claimed curious, constant danger.


a few too many light sockets

mastered their two-faced masks,

slits and half-circles in fine fettle,

caricatured to cry.


there were bears in the carpet,

wolves under the piles.

sheep hung in dark niches

from triangular gallows.


the creak of a hissy fan

ignored the stuck room,

antsy and efficient

from the blur of its guillotines.


not even cartoon fish

could escape the oceanic wallpaper,

their hollywood smiles stuck,

shades of blue-going-grey,



if a forehead hit the plaster,

bashing the false depth, so hard,

surely the blackout 

would hear the shriek.


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