Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Latest Chapbook: Man Watches January

My latest chapbook, Man Watches January, is hot off the press. It contains my best new poetry, most of it recently published, and I’d be happy to send it to you, signed, for $2 plus postage. This covers my costs and gives you months of hard work from the sanctums of my soul.

The poems in this chapbook and where they have been (or will be) published are as follows:

“A Fall Moment” in Wild Violet

“Old Woman Explains” in Vox Humana

“Philosophy On LSD” in Clutching At Straws

“November Leaves” in Brink Magazine

“Taken” in Bolts of Silk

“Writer’s Block” in Brink Magazine

“The Goodness Thereof” in Vox Humana

“Killing Guilt” in CounterPunch

“Porcupine Mountain”

“Number Cruncher” in Hell Gate Review

“Out of Place”


“Reagan’s Ghost” in Phati'tude

“Nuclear Monster” in Hell Gate Review

“Denied” in Vox Humana

“Garapito Loop” in Wilderness House Lit Review

“Writing” in The Toucan

“Street Addict” in Hell Gate Review

“More Stars” in Carcinogenic Poetry

“Durance” in Carcinogenic Poetry

“Confession” in Bare Root Review

“Linguist” in Wilderness House Lit Review

“Man Watches January”

These poems have been edited to hell and back to heaven. They have made me cry and wail and sometimes ululate with joy. If you want to support me as a poet, I would be very pleased to send you a copy.

If you want to sample my work more fully first, here is a chapbook I have posted online, plus a very positive review of that chapbook by Lissa Kiernan, the Poetry Editor at Arsenic Lobster:

Review of Gordian Butterflies

Gordian Butterflies

Thanks for considering this. If you wish to purchase a hard copy for just $2 plus postage, email me here:

If you would like me to handwrite one of my poems in the chapbook, I will do that for an extra $20. The money would be very useful to me and you would get a very original and personalized chapbook.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Congratulations!

    If you'd like to send a poem or two in the future for publishing on my blog Catapult to Mars I'd be delighted.

    I've also had an ebook of poetry published recently by Red Ceilings Press - you can read it on my blog.

  2. Thanks, Gordon! You're a fine poet, and your support means a lot to me.

    I hope everyone goes to your blog and checks out your new book!

    I'm honored that you want a few of my poems. I'll be sending them your way ...tomorrow! (edited for months, I assure)

    Very Best,


  3. That sounds great, how can I order one from overseas? Given that $ are difficult to find in Scotland. I don't have a Paypal account (yet) either....

  4. Crafty Green! You are such an inspiration to so many. I'm honored by your interest.

    I'll be emailing you very soon to get your mailing address in Scotland. Don't be worrying about payment, I'll take care of it all on my end.

