Thursday, July 25, 2024

Poem: Barn Auction (dream)


Barn Auction (dream)


packs of flies flounce in bins,

zipping from fruit to meat,

the bluegreen zeal frantic,

straying now and then

to dap sweat off a brow. 


every so-and-so syllable

of auctioneer and haggle,

the noisy words slacken

and upend in a handshake.

odd looks of unity paint unsure leers,

only to vanish, fast as the flick 

of a camera shutter.


white male faces,

friendless as a collage

of yesterday’s beer bottles,

joust to clash, decry and declaim,

some as pocked as the moon,

others blubber-ridden,

or sharp as swings of an axe.


dozens of nostrils flare, while chins gyrate 

and rubbery lips spew gaggles of spittle.

the saliva flecks neckties,

sweaty collars, dusty sleeves.


when the sun finally crimsons,

the flushed bob of the money-led heads

has only begun.  rumbles of babble deepen,

feeding off the dark itself, unseen and dimmer,

as some moaning behemoth,

slouching across the miles.





7/26/24 ... more mods, pretty heavy 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Poem: Crashed




even the young had creases

which cut through the heartland

of ther fate-slapped cheeks.                        

the eyes of a vendor

were the eyes of a worker

were the eyes of a senator

were the eyes of a stray dog

who whined like the people

who had sawed themselves

with the sharpness of big lies

down onto their own knees--

a status as callous and heavy

as the fear that had broken

family for a new kind of loyalty,

one in which even the luckiest

pranced as if their hearts had been gutted.

no one dared speak of it.

everyone scurried beetle-happy

in isolated bubbles of personal shame.





Coming to a country near you, the complete failure of humanity to choose basic decency over Darknesss, fear, pettiness and hate.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Poem: Cloud Reveal



Cloud Reveal


kissing to soar,

communal chimeras

wrangle and dissolve

into an eggnog of angels.


how they cry,

cleansed in communion,

sharing a single pure blue soul,

daisy-chains interlaced.


every sculpture,

even the most insane,

glissades worthy

in supernal infinitum.


peace and sin coexist,

the serene and the vehement,

metabolized, cleansed,

absolved and praised.


7/21/24 ... more significant mods

7/18/24  ... "cleansed" replaces "purged" ... "wrangle and dissolve" replaces "wrangle without effort"

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Poem: A Happy Summary of Cosmos and Life



A Happy Summary of Cosmos and Life

flecks of little light

waft miserly in dark.


they hoard their silver

to ladle it thin,


which spurs hunger,

envy, riots, war …


such feeble gruel,

it nourishes weedy momuments:


parched proclamations

of praise and greatness,


while puny human lords

dress up as gods,


urgent of ego,

needy to master,


as starved and empty of truth

as pious vampires,


who never look up

at the abysmal night.




Written as the world heads into fascism and greater likelihood of WW3 ... but, you know, it could have been written at any time during human civilization

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Regarding the Poems

 I've edited all the way back through the 2022 poems on this blog and I'm now going through 2021.  It's intense, going into my mind this deep, over and over.

This poem sums up the whole Illiad in a nutshell in a few lines:


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Poem: A Single Thrush


A Single Thrush


i watched

the land watch back

from its jaded flax

and too-sensitive rose,

and i wondered at nothing

or was it some pretext,

while passels of leaves

flowed and tossed, hostage

to the arrhythmia of autumn;

and the moon was up to something,

sallow-chinned and cloud-ruffed.

its craters snickered, so it seemed,

so i thought, 

and sure enough the land 

soon bled dimmer, less color

than those grey uniforms of war

whose halberds and battle axes

could have been rifles

or silhouettes of spruce branches

stilled in a glade, home of a single thrush.  

i watched the emotion

of the rib-bare branches

and the stripped-down plants, 

the fey turn of the art,

as if to my skin itself:   

each shadow-stroke 

the gift of a patient artist

who forever howled.



7/12/24 ... lots of changes, including the title


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

USA Election: A Republican fascist dictator or the highly dysfunctional disgusting Democrats

Last night, in a comedy skit, Jon Stewart summed up so well how disgusting it is that the Democrats are rallying around Joe Biden ('leader of the free world'), basically saying their very naked emperor is wearing fancy clothes:

If you want to laugh while facing incredible dysfunction and stupidity, the link above provides some catharsis.

Monsters like Donald Trump (the Republican fascist leader) don't rise up in a country that has treated its citizens well.  For decades, both the Democratic and Republican parties have been shafting the ordinary citizen to bloat the rich.  The Democrats are not heroes, simply because they are fighting against Trump.

I would also add that Joe Biden is a thoroughly evil man.  He is supplying weapons for a genocide in Gaza.  He also condemned every woman and girl in Afghanistan to religious slavery by pulling out the US troops that had protected them for twenty years--a presence that had allowed them to get educated at all levels, from graduate studies to simply learning to read.  Now the women and girls are expected to remain silent, wear what they are told, and are beaten with sticks.

The choice between Biden and Trump is a choice between two old White men who both are fine with committing genocide in Gaza and, it seems, beating women with sticks (Trump, say, having been found liable for sexual assault twice and accused by over twenty women).

I've read a lot of Noam Chomsky over the years.  Based on Chomsky's writing alone, leaving aside all the other abundant evidence, I can say that the political class in the USA, in both parties, is disgusting to me.  They are liars and lickspittles, in general.  On both sides.  Yes, the Republicans are worse.   I'll be voting Democrat, to defeat fascism.  It's perhaps the most absurd, abhorrent ethical choice I've ever had to make:  to choose between two genocidists. 

I wish humanity would advance its ethics technology [1].  But instead, corruption strangles our hope for a better future, or perhaps any future at all, as we head toward WWIII out of sheer selfishness and stupidity, led by politicians.   I've learned one thing in particular about politicians:  they are extremely good liars.  Actors of deceit.  They can exude confidence and spread it for the worst possible goals.  

Even if a politican is saying what you like to hear, and sounds genuine and has a touching backstory, such as grief in their own life--they are, even then, very often, wanting to do nothing more than manipulate you.   They are certainly good at seeming relatable, while taking orders from the wealthy and their lobbyists.

In my opinion, you should never trust a politician based on your intution and 'following your heart.'  Of all the types of people in the world who will mislead your intuition and your heart, it is politicians who do it best, in general, followed by religious leaders in certain fanatic niches.  

Always look at the arguments, never trust a politician.  Perhaps this sounds harsh, but power corrupts.  I do admit, though, I am in a country where both of the choices for President in the next election are men who are fine with committing genocide--they are both evil men.  One of them, though, the Democrat, Joe Biden, is evil while pretending to be a familiar, kindly uncle.



Sunday, July 7, 2024

"Poetry is the wine of demons"

Daemonum cibus est carmina poetarum (“the poets’ verses are the food of demons”)--St. Jerome

As the election approaches, we head toward a theocratic dictatorship here in the USA.  Under a malignant, narcissistic atheist, no less.  Religion is being used as a tool of mind-control and strict, cruel conformity, as it has always been.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Poem: Choice




i saw a few joyous souls

jumping off a ledge,

finding wings in the lawless air,

fins in the clockless waltz of seas.


i wanted to follow

and yet stalled in the wires blocking my way,

so many hooks of enticement,

the fascinating frissons

of that web.


still, i ran and ran

and ran until my feelings burst,

my senses far too alive,

raw in the nudity

of the leap.


zombies, i heard from behind,

somewhere inside a screen,

zombies, you have to shoot them

in the head.



Friday, July 5, 2024

Poem: A Moment In an Idle Mind


A Moment In an Idle Mind


dust bunnies lie,

fuzzy against the almond-bamboo floor,

a little too 'pubic hair' in their look--

and creepy while a spider

sews with the calm of a nun

looming her vestibule.

if this is zen it’s flawed,

a frantic product of my nerves,

i who wonders if the spider is as lonely

as my desperate eyes,

i who thinks

the tuffs of dust,

which grace the pure extension of the almond,

could be as peopled with mites as planets.

later, a sly glance of sunlight

defrocks the callous allusion,

and points me toward a broom.


7/6/24... more mods

7/5/24 .. mods hours after posting