Thursday, August 8, 2024

Poem: Hurricane




boiling grey cauldrons

fast as galleys on oars of electricity,

the fearsome force of waves to erupt.


the sky, no blue tongue, howls austral,

spitting and raving

across bellies of ships which sway sway sway

abused as the bells of buoys

wet from fire exploded cold to weep.


this tragedy of rainy fangs,

it stalks dock and town,

ravenous from celestial cuts.

the people cry out,

slathered in the telltale ichor,

chased into the gutters of their own hearts.


how they cry

... cry cry cry ... 

and cower beneath bellow and flash,

the pillage of their shivering penninsula,

destruction of every decision ever made.


8/30/24 ... changed an article to a pronoun

8/9/24 ... mods ... fixed grammar issue later... mods ... 

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