Saturday, August 24, 2024

Poem: Flies Hitting Glass


Flies Hitting Glass


knocks and knocks

as futile as they are puny

from tiny varicose eyes

against the window.


has the noon sun hidden a hook

which the bluebottles chomp like fish

to spark this mean diorama,

faint echoes of the plight of Tantalus?


no angel will argue, come judgement day,

that the illusory hope foisted on the flies

by the human invention of a pane



and, too, God will laugh

just before damming us humans,

saying that all would have been forgiven

if only we had not magnified

the plight of the flies a billion times,

inflicting it upon our neighbors.



8/25  "spark" replaces "create"

8/24 ... some mods, fairly light 

personally I think it does matter

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