Mantra of Web
a sage ponders near ribs of silk
which catch light to draw wings
and concludes
there’s no stopping
life’s sweetsour trysts,
this truck
of flirt and declension.
gossamer, they conclude,
is no meaner than the moths
who scourge apple trees,
or the verdigris
on molded tangerines;
for even plants
have delicate sense
in wound, plight and savor.
more so,
in this beautiful orgy
of the world’s sucked and plumped,
who splices whom,
which ‘how' grafts onto what ‘why’?
a gardener, it is said,
is led along
by the bridle of a peach tree:
heated from the toil
for golden succulence
under the yoke of cultivation.
maybe, even,
in the end,
the sparkles
in the halo of a spider
are the most innocent,
mere sequins
aside the sharp jewels
and fiery spangles
of war.
1/24/25 .. "mantra" replaces "philosophy" ... other mods
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