Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Poem: Plants



bodies of leaf and

arm and twig,


green green green

gold gold gold

blooms of pollen

and money and the

clocks clocks clocks

and the tick tick tick

of quantified rain

which drives the rush

of the weedy pots

knotted and stalled

and coiled around

binds of other pots

and plots with squares

and boxes and supervisors

who explain the world

as a wargame of gardens

whose roots wrestle, suffer

and strangle to serve

the superiors of the supervisors

whose logistics battle

fiscal enemies.


all those soul-drained lillies,

tulips, poppies and irises,

browns blues hazels emeralds

oranges and tourmalines,

bobbing in bustles

bent in downpours of seconds

black black black their coats--

what can they possibly see

in the stride and stress

of the hedges and pledges

of a kudzu destiny?


1/29 ... eds, fixed typos

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Poem: For Us


For Us


 we muddles of flesh

can’t fathom the insouciance of the sun,

prefer the wallows of shadow.


our priss-froze secrets

loathe the gnaw of dawn,

seek cloaks of ghasted rain.


noon practically stabs us.

lawful the bright candor

of its accurate purity.


the stars, heaven’s wards,

dog to mock our torn trellis

of bestial myths.


for us


to look at a sweet blue sky

is to vomit in fear

at how stupidly we bleed.


we carve and crave this darksome path,

in a flawless universe 

of beauiful math


and could have miracles for wings.

and yet any hint of hopeful feather

we claw to pluck,


lowering our heads to whine.




Today, or yesterday, Trump said Gaza should be "cleaned out," thereby sanctioning the gross and obvious international atrocity of ethnic cleansing.  Such is the world now, a place where genocide is back, despite all the warnings.  Despite all the "Never Again."

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Poem: Mantra of Web


Mantra of  Web


a sage ponders near ribs of silk

which catch light to draw wings


and concludes


there’s no stopping

life’s sweetsour trysts,


this truck

of flirt and declension.


gossamer, they conclude,

is no meaner than the moths

who scourge apple trees,


or the verdigris

on molded tangerines;


for even plants

have delicate sense

in wound, plight and savor.


more so,


in this beautiful orgy

of the world’s sucked and plumped,


who splices whom,

which ‘how' grafts onto what ‘why’?


a gardener, it is said,

is led along

by the bridle of a peach tree:


heated from the toil

for golden succulence

under the yoke of cultivation.


maybe, even, 

in the end,


the sparkles

in the halo of a spider

are the most innocent,


mere sequins

aside the sharp jewels

and fiery spangles


of much more.







1/24/25 .. "mantra" replaces "philosophy" ... other mods

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Poem: Here




playfulness of light,

a skitter a scatter

of dapples atumble

alert beyond lesson

and quick as a wow!

immersed in riches

too valuable to possess;

and so soon gone

sifted into the next

casual roll of sun and sparkle

of moon and speckle.


here we are, you and i,

the two of us,

for the briefest of infinite joys



Monday, January 20, 2025

Essay: An Inauguration that Befouls the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

 An Inauguration that Befouls and Defiles the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

A theme on this blog over the years is that the United States is poised to become the shortest-lived dominant Empire in Western history.  It might be the shortest lived empire in all human history,  Full disclosure:  I am not an historian and my reference base is only the Roman, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and English empires, all of which owned the global stage for significant stretches.  According to Wikipedia, England was the “foremost global power” for about century.  One could argue that the US became the dominant empire after WWII, when the previous great empires slaughtered themselves into subordination in an orgy of stupidity, violence, cruelty and greed.  For the US empire to exceed Britain’s reign, it would have to endure until the year 2045, which marks a century since the end of WWII.  But such endurance is highly unlikely.


The primary reason is the country’s internal rot, its extreme corruption.  On that front, we can apply the classic saying:  the fish rots from the head.


11/5 was one of the worst days in the history of human civilization.  On November 5, 2024, a fascist dictator Donald Trump took the White House in the United States.  It was a close election, and though America deserves to be condemned for its cruelty and vice, which I will get into below, I want to point out, underscore even, that 48% of voters backed Kamala Harris, a Black and Indian woman who deeply believes in human rights.  The election of Harris would have put a major dent in 12,000 years of patriarchy and, as well, over four hundred years of American racism and misogyny. 

If Harris had won, the maturity of the collective consciousness of the human species would have continued.  Our ethics technology might have advanced, improving our chances of escaping the petty, insecure warlordism that has reigned for millennia.


Speaking as a US citizen myself, tens of millions of us are truly horrified by what happened on 11/5.


Now, though I dread to write about it, onward to the awful topic.  Today Trump is inaugurated as President, an act that befouls and defiles the other meaning of this date:  a national holiday to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.


A Defining Moment


The majority of US voters went for Donald Trump, a man who has been found liable for rape in civil court, and accused by over twenty women of sexual assault; a man who has been caught on tape saying that he could “just grab them by the pussy” and get away with it; a man who has been found guilty of 34 felonies; and who has been indicted on charges of treason in federal court, and who was in the process of being tried for them; a man who had been publicly diagnosed by dozens of professional psychologists and psychiatrists as both a psychopath and a narcissist; and a man who, for all his life, reveled in multiple vices, suffered six bankruptcies, and who earned money, not from business acumen, but as an actor on a TV show who played merely what he is:  a meretricious paragon of vanity, insecurity, falsehoods, and greed. 


The racist, sexist Trump does excel as a con man.  He has plied cult-level demagoguery to amass a cult-base constituency of zealots who worship him.  Copying the classic tactics of tyranny, he proclaims that those outside of his base are the enemy, who deserve to be hated and who need to be destroyed. 


And so the noble momentum in the USA for true equality--for people of color, women, and the LGBTQ community--has been shattered by a fierce, violent backlash of willful, gaslit ignorance.  Trump’s followers sacrifice their own health and financial well-being, the very stability of their own country, for one essential purpose:  to maintain what Isabel Wilkerson rightly calls the American caste system---more simply, traditional White macho patriarchy. 


Will Trump fix America’s corrupt healthcare system?  No.  Will he end the financial imbalance that hands a tenth of a percent of the population 90% of the country’s wealth?  No.  And yet he will ensure White male rule.  This includes, as it always has, a system of rewards for women and people of color who accept and serve the White patriarchy, granting them perks over those who refuse to bow.


Dredging up the words of Lyndon Johnson, the 36th President of the USA:


If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.




Adding more context, the United States is a country that only a hundred and sixty years ago fought a four-year Civil War because the Southern White patriarchy refused to give up its Black slaves.  After the South lost the war, they hated the North with pure, raw animosity.


Here are the lyrics of the song, Good Ol’ Rebel Soldier, written right after the Civil War:


Oh, I'm a good old Rebel soldier, now that's just what I am;
For this "Fair Land of Freedom" I do not give a damn!
I'm glad I fit against it, I only wish we'd won,
And I don't want no pardon for anything I done.


I hates the Constitution, this "Great Republic," too!
I hates the Freedman's Bureau and uniforms of blue!
I hates the nasty eagle with all its brags and fuss,
And the lying, thieving Yankees, I hates 'em wuss and wuss!


I hates the Yankee nation and everything they do,
I hates the Declaration of Independence, too!
I hates the "Glorious Union" -- 'tis dripping with our blood,
And I hates their striped banner, and I fit it all I could.


I followed old Marse Robert for four years, near about,
Got wounded in three places, and starved at Point Lookout.
I cotched the "roomatism" a'campin' in the snow,
But I killed a chance o' Yankees, and I'd like to kill some mo'!


Three hundred thousand Yankees is stiff in Southern dust!
We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us.
They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot,
But I wish we'd got three million instead of what we got.


I can't take up my musket and fight 'em now no more,
But I ain't a'gonna love 'em, now that's for sartain sure!
I do not want no pardon for what I was and am,
And I won't be reconstructed, and I do not care a damn!



This attitude of hate extended to stubborn, vicious embrace of the idea that slavery was absolutely fine.   Perhaps, at some point, the South let go of the idea of Black slavery.  I’m not really sure it has frankly, speaking as a White person myself, whose ancestry is Southern and goes back many generations.  My ancestors owned slaves. 


Nevertheless, this is certain:  a virulent racism plagues the USA; and alongside it a great hatred, embedded in White culture, for anyone who dares challenge it.  Racism hides these days behind a mask of deceit.  Since the Civil Rights Movement, it has become the norm, even in the South, to deny in word that racism is acceptable (Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!) even as it is advanced in subterfuge and deed. 


In back rooms, no doubt, the ‘N-word’ continues to be used in full contempt and rage.  My grandmother used it all the time and frequently went on rants.  “Bean, those N-s are smart,” which was the beginning of a long tirade against Black people.  “Bean” was my nickname as a child.


Such is the ‘United’ States.  Infected with bigotry, misogyny and homophobia.  The “Manifest Destiny” movement learned early on--in its genocide of Native Peoples, in its use of Black slavery to build the country--that violence and Darkness can win out over the Light.


And now, in the form of Trump, Darkness has won control of the soul of America.  Darkness was wrested control from America’s other side, the wonderful one that brought us the first Black President in Barack Obama, the one that championed the rights of women to vote, and which continues to fight for the rights of women and LGBTQ people. 


Darkness has won over Light.  I don’t know if the war between Selfishness and Ethics is completely over, but it could be.  Why?  Because physical violence is an extremely effective tool of social control; and Trump has the military and the police under his authority.  Trump also has power to inflict heavy economic damage in the form of lawsuits, the outcome of which will likely be determined by judges under his thrall.

Battened on decades of consumerism, slathered in its petty, shallow vanities and insecurities, the American people have little ethical spine.  We have been trained to be materialistic and needy, insecure and pathetic, not the sort of noble citizen who is worthy or willing to fight for anything higher, such as Justice.  Our penchant is to obey and lap up frivolous gifts, perks, discounts, coupons, sales--on and on, while we are commercial-whipped to rush to get cheaper products and to show them off with the vulgar awe of a shill in an advertisement.  

If our neighbor has some socially invented status symbol that we don’t have, we fret and pout, never thinking about the deeper levels of life, only the validation of our own voracious, product-hungry ego.  For decades, under the banner of "free market capitalism," the purchasing power of the US citizen was considered the 'economic engine' driving the world economy.  It has forged shackles of vice and voracity in our psyche.


Maybe, if we are lucky, the American people still possess the seeds of righteous determination, and can rise up from this moral trench.   But it would be absurd not to consider the likelihood that the USA, with its mightiest military, under the mercurial control of a narcissistic psychopath, will spread forth its Dark Shadow to encompass and devour as much as it can, straddling latitudes and longitudes, along vectors of greed, power-lust, malevolence and malignancy.



1/21 eds... 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Poem: Rambler





near a rose in a hydra,

i watch the long naked

azure odalisque of the sky

and wondered

at the thinness of the human ‘us’:

our cramped lives sandwiched

between spheres and fossils,

our cities never to reach

the height of dinosaurs

over their millions of long years

of rise and recline.


and yet when the Earth dies

it will be from our thinness.

how we prowl among the atoms

like dangerous specks.

we hold the cards

too big for our brief hands,

and don’t worry about the rosebushes

and azure odalisques,

and the rest so beautiful,

like our children,

while we bet them all

on a sliver of a green table

supported by tiny strings

which we tug to herd and control

and do our best to puppet the universe.




Monday, January 13, 2025

Poem: Without Mocking

 Without Mocking

a violent wall stares

at the failure of my body to move.

no communication.  a crushed essence

the opposite of wings.

i place a palm on the wall’s faceless mask,

and recognize how i fled and hid.

not only from my heart’s poisoned love

but from its hurt conflagration.


i understand this consignment

to a random braille of irrevelant

physics in tiny bumps of plaster and paint.

this alphabet designed to hide and lie.


i understand  


that i was once strong and numb,

as muscular as the grey wall.  as impregnable. 

before shame broke the mirage and judged--


judged with an expression

which mocks without mocking,

like this wall.



i earned this fate from my lack.


i should have swooned, instead,

in the aftermath of deceptions.

i should have preened

under the bright lights.


i should have survived.





Saturday, January 11, 2025

Poem: United





by the misery of the poor,

our minds false and small,

one half lying to the other,

we smile


and go


to the big fat stores,

where we care more

about saving a dollar

than the fate of the poor,


the world,


give us liberty

which means let us be fooled,

give us freedom

to send our soldiers

to take your freedom away.




Thursday, January 9, 2025

Poem: Leader



boys cheer

till their necks blush from the words

of a great white man

who burrows into the dark

to extract their reddest essence.


the cave that is the speech

of that bottomless mouth

plucks all those jugulars

to throb and swell

with hate ripe enough to reap




it is cast down

on the shame of mothers

when they mourn the loss

of a fly-speckled son

turned into another corpse of war.


a brag of fireworks like gunshots

accompanies the golden plane

of the great white man

as the wings drag the sunset along,

adding its fresh blood to the pile.




1/20 ... "from" replaces "to"

Inspired by the work of Denis Johnson

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Poem: Comforter




this paradox of marvels

flirts with the sculpt of my fingers,


cowls and cloaks

in a cuddle of oblong ghosts,


or the warmth of tongue-savored vanilla

as it melts away,


or weaves of humpbacks and dolphins

swimming from a churn of tourists,


or the throne

of cumulus-plump, Elysium-worthy pelts,

on which i soar


toward the rolls of a much desired

deliquesce of sleep.


would this comforter 

wrap me entire in its orchestra,


waists of cellos and violins

alert with cylinders and cymbals


to the flare-lip of fate's

most blissful horn?


i can see it now, almost,


hips of kettle drums and bassoons

on waves of harps and flutes,


rapture’s most fantastical music,

passionate of metamorphosis,


till dawn.





1/13/25 ... "fantastical" replaces "fantastic"

1/7/25 mods

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Poem: Brooding




the blank page swallows me

into its unfortunate underbelly,

tangling me

in the plaintive maze of its teats.

how to free the mind

from the violence of the creative milk?

now it’s all about sex

and the struggle for warm,

young tastes, among

the corridors of blue ink

which precisely line the white road

to god.


1/8/25 ... "maze" replaces "zugzwang" ...

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Poem: White Xmas


White Xmas


the plow-shoved streets

boast wounds

from the tramp of boots,

scabs of dirty snow

left by angels

in a world of broken feathers

fallen too far down to look up

and see heaven’s dome.


lords, journeymen, wretches

relegated and designated,

surly prancers, comets, vixens and cupids

as liable to moods

as the cold-warm, Fahrenheit-fickle sun.


watch them strain and falter

under snowflake-reins of diamond and grit,

maybe glimpse the Great Hobo,

the subway his sleigh now,

as he ho-ho-ho’s for the happy child

born under a privileged star.





Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Essay: The Power of Ideas and Projection, for Evil or Good

Ideas, Projection, Evil and Good


The human brain, feeble in its grasp, struggles to comprehend the vast change soon to steer the direction of the planet Earth, afflicting all animals and ecosystems, including that dominant greedy species, the human being.  An historic tsunami has launched, its origin point one of the most cataclysmic days of recorded time, 11/5.  On that day, Donald Trump attained the office of the Presidency of the United States.  The cultish obedience of his core followers, tens of millions of citizens, will propel him to claim total power for himself.  He is likely to succeed, given the lessons of history concerning the social infection that is fascism.  Anyone who stands in the way will be terrorized by his core followers, who at this point are similar to Hitler’s Brownshirts (Sturmabteilung), their violence abetted by laws that make it legal for citizens to own military-grade assault rifles like the AR-15.


Below I offer two angles from which to consider this grim transformation of the course of fate.  The second angle elaborates on the first.


Part One:  The Power of Ideas


Our starting point is the sheer power of simple ideas.


Consider an example from the past, the Curse of Ham.  This simple idea fueled great evil for centuries:


For almost 500 years, priests taught their flocks that a Hebrew prophet had condemned millions of Africans to slavery because they were descended from Ham’s son Canaan. The curse of Ham thus formed the core religious justification for the trans-Atlantic slave trade.



The Curse of Ham did not on its own secure the legalization of  slavery.  But it was a crucial member of a set of ideas related to race and racism.  Note that, very obviously, the Curse of Ham is a cruel, irrational, faith-based idea.  Note, as well, that its lack of rationality or morality didn’t matter at all.  Why?  Because human rationality is easy shut down by cultures of ignorance, that is, cultures that support a rich upper class which not only benefits from general ignorance, but ferociously and actively fosters it. 

If there is a God above, that God created a universe where cruel, irrational, brutal ideas, a mentality of evil, can take over and drive a cattle call of stampeding multitudes, who bring ruin on themselves and others.  Their seduction by darkness changes the nature of society with slaughterous permanence. 

Some claim that divine punishment occurs after death, in some preternatural realm beyond our reckoning.  “There’ll be pie in the sky when you die.”  And yet there is zero scientific evidence for such empyrean justice.  The universe in which we dwell, though, is analogous to a purgatory:  a place where either evil or good can reign, depending on our own choices, a place where we consign ourselves to a living hell, or lift ourselves to cultivate a decent, happy society.  Whatever the outcome, it is leveraged by the collective state of the masses, who can be influenced to trample and stampede, or to behave in accordance with moral laws of fairness and equality. 


Some Inoculants

In our universe, where the gods have abandoned us to our own stupidity, knowledge is the best inoculant against the spread of hellish social systems.  But the people in power who benefit from ignorance--for instance, by proclaiming the Curse of Ham to be the divinely ordained truth--do everything they can to prevent the spread of knowledge. 


Another way to protect society from hellish social systems is to develop ways to identify demagogic psychopaths, such as Donald Trump, who rise to power as dictators.  But this would require teaching the discipline of psychology to young students, starting at least in high school, probably earlier.  And yet an enlightened curriculum would require that local school board officials be rational, instead of dogmatic in service to politicians who benefit from ignorance.

There is solid basis behind Mark Twain’s quip, “In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards.”

And so, despite potential inoculants to ignorance and folly, various Catch-22s hold us hostage in cultures designed to be unfair and cruel.


A Simple Formula


In general, ideas affect behaviors, which in turn affect the world.  A handy heuristic:


I > B > W


Power is another element, because you need power to impose your beliefs:


P > I > B > W


Let’s employ the above formula.  The vast power of the USA, with the strongest economy and military in the world, can be mobilized to impose certain beliefs.  Those beliefs will be those of the dictator.  And they will include core concepts of fascism:  a Master Race; Superiority of the Male over Female; and the Call of Conquest.  Vini Vidi Vici.

Given the bully fist of the United States, which can be held up to the face of other countries with aggressive clout, fascism is soon to stagger and immiserate the entire world. 

Donald Trump is our messiah now.  Ecce Homo!


Part Two:  Through a Dark Mirror


However, fascism is not merely an idea, any more than Donald Trump is a rational actor.  Fascism is a mental sickness, a crippling social dysfunction.  This closely intertwines with the psychiatric disorders that Mr. Trump suffers, namely, narcissism and psychopathy [1]. 


The tsunami of Darkness about to hit the world, then, is not so much about ideas as it is about a disordered mind getting to do whatever it wants wherever it wants.  In other words, the world will become a dark mirror of Donald Trump, someone who is infinitely insecure and infinitely ugly.  Someone who perpetually hides from his own bottomless self-doubt by doing whatever it takes. 

In the field of psychology, projection is often understood as blaming others for what you yourself inflict or suffer.  It can, though, also be understood as a reshaping of the environment.  If you have enough power, you can mold the world to the interior of your mind.  In this case, it is a high-powered form of self-fulfilling prophesy.

Unfortunately, it is easier to spread fear and loathing than it is to spread love.  The reason is that it is easier to beat others into submission than to build healthy bonds.  To quote Milton in Paradise Lost, "To create is better than created to destroy."  

To destroy, all it takes is weapons.  And the USA has plenty of those.


Similar To Domestic Abuse


Consider the psychology of a domestic violence perpetrator.  This abuser controls his partner and children through many kinds of force and mental manipulation.  He terrorizes them with insidious strategies and tactics, and so gains full control to shape the home.  The home comes to reflect the broken, atrocious, disgusting mental state of the abuser’s psyche.  It is a place of fear, of brutal force, of total control, and of loyalty tests that require accepting lies as truth.   It is a home where a single insecure man obsesses on every detail of his partner’s behavior, always working to maintain and increase his power over her and the children.  


Donald Trump will remake the United States in ways akin to the domestic-violence abuser.   Now, some people might object to the use of “evil” to describe a domestic violence perpetrator.  But such a perpetrator is a ruthless, brutal coward, who takes advantages of emotional connections to the people he attests to love and, instead of loving them, terrorizes them with methodical and precise calculation.  He destroys his victims' self-esteem and keeps them in perpetual fear.  He beats them with objects, and with his fists, but this is only part of the greater insidious manipulation [2].


To shatter any resistance from a victim, the perpetrator will threaten to kill the children and the family pets.  This cruelty goes on and on, day after day.  Endless surveillance and menace. Always--always--the threat of force. 

The word “gaslighting” comes from a loyalty test that a fictional domestic abuser inflicted on his partner.  The light on a wall-mounted lamp might be shining bright; but if the abuser says it is turned off, the victim knows full well that they better convince him that they believe it is turned off as well.  The victim knows that they will be scrutinized, all the time, every inch of their body language, for any perceived deception and, as well, to ensure fully obedience, body and soul. 


Here is part of a description of what life was like under the dictatorship of Al-Assad in Syria, who was recently forced to flee the country, after 20+ years of methodical, calculated control:


At school, I learned that if you wanted to get anywhere, you had to be part of the informant system that Syrians have lived with for decades. If you handed in your list of names of your classmates who spoke badly about the teacher, you’d be made head of your class. Everyone thought everyone else was reporting them.



This is a plausible future under the cultish dictatorship of Donald Trump.  Total surveillance.  Total control.  Including the minds of every child.  Trump’s evil will be far worse than that of a domestic abuser, because he has the power to kill or jail people, en masse, and get away with it. 


For instance, the genocide in Gaza, for which the USA is supplying the weapons, will accelerate.


The Good News


I’m going to end on a positive note, which, I know, is a shocking turnaround.  The good news is that enlightened ideas can drive the world, too.  Likewise, a virtuous mind can project health and harmony.  The idea of human rights follows the heuristic above:  rights affect behaviors, which alter the world.    The world has changed, for the better, quite a bit in the last few hundred years.  Our ethics technology climbed to levels never before seen. 


Tragically, however, we have taken a sad turn into a Lord of the Flies scenario.  Those in power, such as Trump, are as immature as 14-year-old boys who find themselves able to do whatever they want, with no adults around to stop them.


We’re in a dark place.  But don’t stop trying.  When you act out of Good, you are doing something special and rare, and it will affect the collective human consciousness more than you know. 

The way to counter Evil is Good.  The simplest little act can be resplendent with ethical light.  Send your message up to the universe.  Maybe you will even shock the gods, who seem to have abandoned us.

If we act as ants, we are ants to the gods.  This statement came to me in a dream.


And yet, ponder this:  what happens if we do not act as ants?







(1)  The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, Brandy X. Lee, Editor

"In THE DANGEROUS CASE OF DONALD TRUMP, twenty-seven psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health experts argue that, in Mr. Trump’s case, their moral and civic “duty to warn” America supersedes professional neutrality. They then explore Trump’s symptoms and potentially relevant diagnoses to find a complex, if also dangerously mad, man."

(2) Domestic violence occurs frequently without actual physical violence.  However, it is absolutely still fully abuse.  'Words hit hard as a fist.'  They shred self-esteem and perception of reality.  A great movie to watch on this, which just came out on Netflix, is Alice, Darling.
