Saturday, June 1, 2024

Poem: Memory Trap


Memory Trap


seconds nudge,

some of them sixty years gone,

creeping back to a teenager,

even the infant who still pules

under my breath.


they poke, perturb, curse, cry, denigrate,

sure as a movie screen,

all these suffocative troubles, fusses and loves,

playing playing playing

all i ever was and am;

and so i wait and suffer and pray

escape is only a day yonder,


for in the end,


what are these seconds

but scratches of whispers on mental paper:

hairlines and squirls, picayunes and motes,

glimpses of harems, menageries and phantasms

some naïve playwright

scribbled in desperate glee.




6/1/24 ... many mods hours after posting 

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