Sunday, May 15, 2011

Release: The Toucan, including Lust

Spring Issue Of The Toucan

The Toucan Magazine is an ongoing party of witty, perceptive and slightly ribald tropical birds. It is run by the talented duo of editors Liz and Laura. In this latest issue you can find one of my most prurient poems, appropriately titled "Lust."

This poem, in addition to being suggestive, has a neat kind of verbal trick that doesn't occur in any of the other 500 or so works I've published. Scroll down through the issue (see above link) to find the poem. If you discover the trick, I will send you a free copy of my latest chapbook! (limited to the first two sleuths)

In the past, I have given Liz and Laura a pretty rough go. At one point, I callously suggested that they were a Jekyll & Hyde: two personalities living in the same body. I even concocted some elaborate and rather schizo argument to defend my claims. End result: I ended up with mud on my beak and bedraggled feathers.

Fortunately, these editrices (as they prefer to be called) have a great sense of humor and took it all in stride. It was all a joke anyway, I never seriously suspected they were actually one person playing two roles ... Never.

If you want to submit to this awesome and rollicking zine, be sure to be extra polite and yet don't be afraid of a little humor (though nothing offensive). Odds are you won't outwit Liz and Laura, but it is fun to try.

Read this journal!!! You will find yourself immersed in a likeable, laughing community of intelligent players--I mean, word-players.

Nothing else need be said!

Owl out.

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