Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Dobbs, Witchcraft and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

 Dobbs, Witchcraft and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which eliminates abortion as a right, and subjects it to felonious penalty by the states, is a tenebrous chop with the finality of a guillotine.  It is a reckless imperious, fallacious murder of national stability by black-robed agents of despotism.  Forty-nine years of legal abortion, reinforced by stare decisis, have been sacrificed to the flames of biased legalese, a hack job of might-makes-right disguised as logical and cerebral. 

Not only does this indelible historical debacle thumb its nose at the bipartisan judges--five Republicans and two Democrats--who voted for Roe v Wade in 1973, it undercuts the jurisprudential circumspection necessary for a legitimate republic, a government by and for the people that draws on the rationalism of the Founders, not the reactionism of theocracy. 

The quality of the Court’s argument is horrific.  Justice Alito, writing for the majority, cherry-picks from history, landing blinkered on the period surrounding 1868, while ignoring colonial and early colonial America, when abortion was widely accepted until ‘quickening’, when the fetus could be felt to move in the womb. 

Aside from the ignorance of the argument, the effects are abhorrent and heart-wrenching.  This ruling sanctions violence, centered on the monitoring and punishment of the female body.  Women’s reproductive organs are to be held hostage by police force.  The major arc of a woman or girl’s life can be commanded into pregnancy, birth, and the consequences of unwanted motherhood--even in cases of rape and incest.  The enforced journey can be traumatic as well as physically taxing.  The rigors of labor can be life-threatening, debilitating, and permanently alter anatomy.

Another aspect involves the very nature of what it means to dwell in community.  In states that outlaw abortion, surveillance could be constant, due to a ubiquitous, fanatic political base.  Neighbors and strangers alike can scrutinize every pregnant, or possibly pregnant, woman or girl as a potential criminal or murderer.  Women who have miscarriages risk mockery, scorn, conviction and jail time.

Justice Alito, to support the decision, references Sir Mathew Hale, a 17th century judge, who conducted witch trials and condemned women as witches.  It is worth noting that the invasive inspections that will result from Dobbs, along with the scorn, mockery, scrutiny, and incarceration, bare some resemblance to the cruelty inflicted on women accused of witchcraft, who were pilloried, vituperated and physically searched for ‘marks of the devil’.

If a pregnant woman dares seek freedom from the yoke on her uterus, she could die from black-market medical procedure.  Women will die because of Dobbs.

Dobbs has nothing to do with objective interpretation of the Constitution.  It has everything to do with overarching control that turns women into property of the state.  Abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.  Historically and contemporaneously, Christianity has often accepted the practice of abortion. 

The practice was fine with Southern Baptists till around 1980, when anti-abortionism, in service of right-wing evangelicals, became efficacious.  Other religions, as well, are quite present in America’s grand diversity.  However, the five Justices who overturned Roe are deeply entwined with Catholicism.

As much as Dred Scott was a power play for the enslavement of Black people, Dobbs is a power play for physical and mental control of women.  In the 19th century, women fighting to gain the right to vote compared themselves to slaves.  In 1860, Elizabeth Stanton wrote:

The negro has no name ... He is Cuffy Douglas ... just whose Cuffy he may chance to be.  The woman has no name.  She is Mrs. Richard Roe ... just whose Mrs. she may chance to be ... Cuffy has no legal existence ... Mrs. Roe has no legal existence; she has not the best right to her own person.

Thanks to Dobbs, a woman in the 21st century, like a woman in the 19th century, has “not the best right to her own person.”



Newspapers rarely publish my op-eds (last was in 2019), so I put them here

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Lie that Binds

Radical Right leaders ... saw movements for freedom and equality as an existential threat to their grip on social, economic, and political power.  They fomented fear as a strategy to maintain control and privilege through a carefully architected and resourced campaign.  They found utility in weaponizing abortion, which ultimately became a key component of their strategy. 

                            Ilyse Hogue, The Lie That Binds 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Poem: Humanobotic




i didn’t ask to be born

and suffer these neurons

while the bombs keep dropping

and injustice keeps denying

and the fascists take over

without courage to be honest

about the cult they spread.


lies lies lies


the truth never wins

and when it appears

you have to be patient,

and hope that your voice

doesn’t get lost in 

greed, bigotry, hate and violence,

while robots, drones, and AI keep coming

on a planet overrun by billions of mouths

led by a few dictatorial penises.


nothing about the Earth’s

exploited consumed developed splendor

has prepared anyone who is decent for this,

or anyone who wants to be good,

or any of the doomed manifold animals 

for this.


6/28/24 ... poem gets more true as we approach a fascist USA

10/5 changed poem to 1st person ... "wants" replaces "wanted"

Friday, June 17, 2022

Poem: Politician




the drumbeat pulse in the neck,

the nostrils' red flare,


these are giveaway symptoms,

while the rest of it salivates below, 

under a shallow slight smile,

 the barest gleam of surface kindness.


noble Gibraltar of chin,

fearless of cheekbones--

one must, of course, favor the cheekbones,


the photo/genetics of it,


and a jaw sturdy enough 

to chew broken ideals and virtues

down down down into pablum,

where the agile tongue ladles them

to feed the hunger of the speech.


the body posture the empire itself, yes,

strong of cold muscle and blood,

whitewashed reflections of the dark,


 masculinized white marble self-aggrandizement,


the rest hidden under a dark blue power suit, 

and the patriotic blood-red necktie  

of a desecrated oath.




12/3/23 ... tons more changes... 

6/17/22  Multiple changes a few hours after posting the poem

e.g. "belittling" replaces "obscuring"

7/14//22  more sculpting mods... 

People really suck

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Poem: Pennies In a Jar


Pennies In a Jar


copper vertebrae 

fled from rolled spines

to wallow among flecks of sun.


faces of a single dead man

tired of sitting on each other

to form mutual, useless stools.


i dig my fingers in,

pitchfork style,

to scoop the metallic hay,


then dribble it down,

back into the desuetude   

of its mausoleum-silo.


nothing much changes,

mere scrapes and nicks

on chins with no other way to age.

sitting on a slab of formica

staid in their vitreous urn, 

maybe the clones compare tarnishes,


while visiting each others' pillared mansions,

and patting each other on the back

with wafer-thin blades.






6/28/24... mods

"pillared" because the lincoln cent has a pillared memorial

7/30/22 major word changes

7/10/22 ... "flee their"  replaces "spill from their"  ... "a single dead" replaces "one" ... "mausoleum granary" replaces "a mausoleum of a granary" ... "age" replaces "grow old" ... "while visiting" replaces "and visit" ... blah


Sunday, June 12, 2022

Poem: Back Alive


Back Alive


what could be more awesome

or maybe no?

it depended on the whys

of the great perspectives;

on a scale of mythic hows

and forces unseen yet sought;

and which god bent 

which river.


to praise

and yet also curse the answerless birth-questions;

to float to the top of their beautiful waves,

and look down at things,

the push and pull of sting and hunger

in the crash of their infinite joy--

that was the answer.



6/29/24 mods

6/12/22 ... "sting and hunger" replaces "hunger and sting"

7/10/22 ... broke last stanza in to two stanzas... added a word in between ("remember")

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Poem: Worldless (Warning, Triggering Poem)




dented, long since crushed,

pretending to be a vertebra,

admiring those who have spines.


kids want to kick it.

maybe it would be thankful,

having waited forever--


to release and yet craving rest,

having watched the same thing,

as if stuck in a circus too long.


ice and petals frolic the calendar,

but none budge the false stare 

of something that seems more:


something helpless yet alert,

beaten yet sensitive--


some million-year-old man,

just an abused kid, just a stone,

who wants moss to hug him,

warm as a shawl.






6/29/24 ..

8/14/22  significantly condensed

Monday, June 6, 2022

Poem: Refuge





i had a bouquet

as i ran to meet a Love,

but they didn’t want my flowers.


my spurned hummingbird passions

zigged and zagged,

erratic as Valentine’s deflected dart.


it was clear

i had fallen way down deep,

and yet still i climbed,


way up my steeple of crumbling piety,

to the very summit,

and i reached for that Love again,


so high above me.


wings of prayers

rode fractured breaths,

and yet my flypapery tongue 

caught them,


and said no.

no to the no one who wasn’t up there.

no to Job's trust in a gauntlet of pangs 

and indifference.


and my cries then

began to gnaw out a new kind of door,

some better refuge

than the Beautiful Monster.





Sunday, June 5, 2022

Woodward and Bernstein


From the Woodward and Bernstein article in the Post today:


Another dominating personal trait binds Nixon and Trump together: Each viewed the world through the prism of hate.


Trump said, “Real power is — I don’t even want to use the word — fear.”

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Poem: Limbo




uncertain at 3am

if it is a fox or the wail of a stabbed girl,

or an owl berating the asylum, 

i rolled the two faces of my skull,

right to dark, left to bright,

and underestimated, as always,

how drunk with sleep my fancies were;

and how truthful and terrible

rode the visions in their logic.

the self itself 


by this careless place, where timelines knotted;

where specters could be loves not yet birthed,

and infants, perhaps, became awful ghosts 

in a lack-of theater where lions

devoured what they capsized in front of you;

and you witness the red gulps

without a shield of fear, 

only wonder at these chimeras 

very much indifferent to your loss,

very much different from your hopes,

unable to leave.



If you are reading this sometime after WWIII, which is a quite likely occurrence at the moment, well, that would make you an archeologist or an extraterrestrial.  Let me just say to you, at your distant vantage from me, this:  owls were pretty cool creatures.