Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Regarding the Poems

 The poems are a lot of work and mainly a curse.  Who are they helping?  Maybe some god that laughs at us stupid, puny humans from afar.

Most of us obsessed with writing poems are back-up prophets, even less heard than frontline prophets.

At best, it is beautiful therapy, such as a dandelion, lovely yet ignored, just a weed, blooming in a crack in a world of well-paved minds.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Poem: Humid Day


Humid Day


air crowds us hapless animals,

its puffy abdomen

of spongy muscle.


can’t breathe,

such wet, bluff heat

height of a hulking grave,



tepid, slimy merger 

of air-water-ground.


can’t move,

a stuck stride,

enough to catch mice,


and the feet of birds,

this quicklime of oxygen,

so mean.


we are half-dead, hot and moist,

under a cellophane 

of soggy atmosphere.


the roses in the garden are fat redcoats

bled, bled, bled--

to die in a motionless war.



9/4  "to die" ...

Friday, August 26, 2022

Poems: Ordinary Dungeon


Ordinary Dungeon


angry in the hideout,

wrestling protocols,

and suffering for my failure,

why defuse this faith,

contrary to vision though it is?


to debunk fear

and rationalize escape,

these hooks of heretical logic

drag my heart punctured deeper,


till truth asserts its terrible price

and excuses whipsaw from this broken mouth,

faster than the prattle

of inexcusable commercials.


we all toadeat the curse.

god exists, hallelujah,  

god stings, barks, and segregates,

god outfoxes us with ecclesiastic sanctions.


i try, try, try


to improvise a lack of manners,

but the leap for deviance always feels so fake,

and i fall back,


into this ordinary dungeon,

knowing i can tantrum only so far,

within my authorized smile.



9/9  "while" replaces "and" (clarity issue)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Poem: Dead Grass Before Spring


Dead Grass Before Spring


do not confuse them with minnows

rioting from an earthen shark.

they are not disheveled wicker,

or shards from a tan season of dynasty.


consider them needles

that sewed themselves into their own quilt;

and yet now the slumbering green juju



to poke millions of centipede legs through their cross-stich,

so they dissolve into what they truly are:

pawls of a clock guzzled down,

easy as a darkening dearth of wine.

when the last threads of snow flee their maze.

they have no more prisoners, no escape,

only to wait, blind beyond hurt,

for the skewer of a dandelion.


12/11/23   four mods ... 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Poem: Hidden Questions



Hidden Questions


faces hide sweet questions

no one can see, slight as gleams 

across latitudes of lips  

which only pretend to lie.


spans of cheekbones

hide peek-a-boos of prairie flowers.

eyes protect teardrops of deep-sea clues,

glimmers of something wise.

the shell of social wax

cannot hinder the dream

of a caress from invisible fingertips.


a chin dissipates into quivers,

a nose swoons in aromatic arias,

a brow reforms on a lovely loom.

hopes not so long-lost

wait just below the mask,

none too far away to cherish.





10/1 ... significant changes to two stanzas

Another day passes by.  Yee-haw ... 

8/28  "volatile, helpless fingertips" replaces longer clunky line

8/21 ... Major changes a few hours after posting ... more changes later in the day

Poem: Little Karmas


Little Karmas


i ache

as if someone broke glass

and stashed the shards

in my brain.

the problem is this:

i feel the little karmas

of ants and chickens,

and everything in-between.


they shout up at me,

these puny scorecards

that hail back

to the first oozy womb.

they’ve found a way

to preserve genesis

in long, endless threads.


what’s being woven,

i don’t know, but every leg

on every insect is a needle.

every feather on every bird

sews the wind.

the tiniest scuttle services fate,

and if you nudge it,

you tweak the tapestry

of a billion years.


Monday, August 15, 2022

Poem: To the Gods


To the Gods


i send you trinkets of my life

in a basket of disloyal tears.


my armor of wounds,

more feeling than blood

that goes in first.


next i fold with care

and tuck in place

a brutalized truth:


those cities of cursed children,

whom i sobbed to invoke,

and yet never dared to see.


next comes dawn’s ocean,

and rain-voices of songful spring.

add sage aromas of chaparral,

and prism-garlanded forests.


i place, as well an enduring kiss,

one i received long ago,

and yet still heals across decades.


finally a dandelion,

joyous in sunlight,

quivered by breeze.


i know the gods will not respond,

or even understand my gift.


but i have some hope, by this offering,

faint as an angel's feather,

to forgive the gods.


6/24/24 ... 

10/30  "disloyal" replaces "unloyal"

8/24 "garlanded" replaces "sprinkled"

8/17  "add" replaces "place"

On first glance, this is one of the best poems I have ever written.  Of course, as is usual with such things, I am probably wrong.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Poem: Once More


Once More


to idolize the warmth

on the roof of my mouth,

while the rest of the body hides.


tea drains lukewarm,

thick down my throat,

softening a few feathered phrases,

while a tarantula of arthritis

captures and scratches

with pencil to bind.


a whole pot of earl  

passes through the urethra

before the writing is just okay. 


some of the words breathe, lissome,

nectarine with hope,

if not the verve of pleasure.


the caffeine and steam, once dead,

unparalyze a tense drama,

releasing the tarantula.


fingers quibble with tremors, then,

whether to screw the thermos lid,

or whether, like the brain,

it is drained of purpose,

any last semblance of passion gone--


empty as a lake

that turned to sand

long before the very first mammal cried.


my eyes sizzle-fizzle from sleep,

zeros stacking zeros

under lids gone wild.



11/16 removed "other" before "zeros" ... added some commas 

10/19/22  "softening" replaces "softened"

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Poem: Last Call


Last Call 


the upheaval of bliss in the martini

massaged my mind

with biochemical paws.


it was appealing, indeed,

this dearth of confusion

in a lack of tomorrowness--


which up was up, really,

and why so much descent?

why kneel sad yet glib

before a magistrate of paychecks and delusion?


and yet 


if a lion ant of a wish lurked

in a toothpick-skewered olive,

it had to be a trap,


a smooth slide of sinking allure

in a glassy funnel of gin.


maybe this eerie dizzy banquet

lacked euphoria, after all,

no longer steep, neither seductive,

just along for the cab ride.



8/15 corrected typo

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Poem: Inside the Mind of a Ghost


Inside the Mind of a Ghost


doors tilt to spin walls

and the no-way-out victim-

hood shifts its denials to no way

to get clean, not in this uninten-

tional roulette which runs

faster around more corners in

panic to achieve less, yes, 

i am the spin, the pill, the drug

which curves in halls that hunt

and yet still falter hungry to become 

tricks, mirrors, yes,

it is i who must press my skele-

ton to my beating bosom,

and yet not feel the ribs,

none of the marrow's screams,

no chance, zero pitfalls then ,

to spin the silver into the lurking

cellar of risk.



6/26/24  ... 

7/16/23  ... "truth" replaces "ugly (n)" ... "fungus" replaces "mold"

Aug 15  ... added "yet"

Aug 7/22 ... minor changes hours after posting


Thursday, August 4, 2022

The White-ness and Male-ness of the GOP Sickness

 This image from the Washington Post today sums up the Republican prejudices and ignorances (self-defeating and country-destroying strategy).


Monday, August 1, 2022

Poem: Before The Court


Before The Court


the poetry of truth

meets a clench of lies,


against the bruxism of empire

to fight and declaim.


to cast a logic of wings

among knives of buzzy scorn.


to argue that the empire 

oppresses in the name of freedom. 


to call out the 'great president,'

who salivates above a drool of sycophantic dogs.


to lament the fear of the citizens,

whose rush to obey erodes the very streets.


to see vagrants left as rubbish,  

eyes as smoky as bullet casings.


to remark on the sacrifies 

irrational on a tilt of sinking altars,

and the fanatic arenas,

drunk on hate-thirsty grunts.


to dare kindness and love 

deprived by the cruel--


and for such hope to pay,

to be accused and entombed.





Sept 8  "drool of dogs" replaces "drooling dogs"

August 12 more changes... 

August 5 "dare kindness" replaces "dare advance kindness"

August 2, structural changes for better flow