Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Good is Real

 The Answer

The answer is simple, the solution is impossible.  So it would seem as humanity tries to advance its morality.  

I’ve studied this issue for decades.  I have a PhD specializing in ethics, and I am paid to teach ethics at a public university.  Here are two key points.


(1)  Ethics is a technology 

Here are definitions of "technology" from three dictionaries to clarify this point:

* The specific methods, materials, and devices used to solve practical problems (American Heritage).

* The application of knowledge for practical ends. (Random House)

*The total knowledge and skills available to any human society for industry, art, science, etc.  (Collins)

This means that ethics, like any technology, can improve and evolve, much as in other fields, such as transportation or production.


(2) Goodness (or The Good) is real

This point is founded in science and is based on two simple steps.

(a) The first is that humans are generally the same (Human Sameness)

For instance, the Human Genome Project shows humans everywhere have a shared blueprint.  

This teams with the study of psychology, which claims:  we have the same basic needs and wants.  These include the need for food and sleep, and the wants of friendship and to avoid loneliness and many kinds of pain.

(b)  Second, a fair, equal, worldwide ethic can be based on the above human sameness.  The bedrock formulation of this ethic is the Golden Rule:  Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Note that the Golden Rule appears in many religions, if not all of them.  All religions can be avenues to seek The Good.

So What?

So this:  We can get closer to The Good by advancing our ethics tech.  The invention of human rights was such an advance, an elaboration of the Golden Rule. 

We can keep going.  Animal ethics.  Earth ethics.  Psychology and ethics,  In fact, all this is happening.  We live in an amazing time.  We stand, today, in the early 21st century, at a crossroads.

Critical Point 

We need to advance our ethics tech along with other advancing tech; otherwise, humanity will destroy or enslave itself.  Better ethics is necessary to manage more power.  Power and ethics are linked.

Three Examples 

Without better ethics, WWIII is coming and with it, nuclear annihilation.

Without better ethics, we will create cheap, powerful AI armies (such as flying drone arsenals) that can hunt, track and wipe out whole populations of civilians.

Without better ethics, we will create AI that can herd, surveil and punish whole countries, creating totalitarian states with no freedom of speech or thought (yes, monitoring devices will be put directly in the brain). 

Obviously a lot more examples are possible.  A genocidal virus.  Or a molecular nanobot that destroys the micro-organisms in soils, or the planktons that produce air.

One More Time 

The Good is real.  This is based on science.  Verifiable, empirical knowledge.  I am going to repeat this and try to make it sink in:

The Good is real.

The Good is real.

The Good is real.

This also means Evil is real. 

If we don’t evolve our ethics tech, fear will reign.  If fear reigns, dictators will dominate cult-like hordes.  Imagine god-weapons in the hands of supreme-leader narcissists, who have bottomless holes for hearts--weapons that allow them not only to kill, but also to put devices inside the human brain.

 (And, yes, the cult-like followers will readily accept devices inside the brain to prove their loyalty).

In Summary 

We’ve made progress toward The Good.  I’ll give just one example, but is is huge.  Women can vote.

Think about it.  We CAN approach The Good.  It is doable.  This isn’t religion, this is science. 

Here is another example.  Gay marriage was recently made legal in the USA.

This is an extraordinary time.  Don’t give up.


Friday, December 24, 2021

Poem: Pine Needles & Tree


Pine Needles & Tree


firecrackers in constellations,

quiet yet always popping,

mobile that always explodes.


emerald sparks 

plummet plummet plummet 

descending into streamers 

streaming in the aggregate--

and yet suspended in upside-down puffs!

how they burst to feather a winged pyramid:

a ruffled coniferous heavenward bird,

see how it journeys, glisten-swarmed,

solar and celebratory,

uplifted by gusts.


7/11/24... edits

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Poem: Icy Window


Icy Window

long of tooth and pale steel

it stalks warm morsels,

water the jugular, 

clear blood slightly bled.


how it dances, square of mouth,

smutched ghost,

frosted of grimace,

crystalline, translucent




Sunday, December 19, 2021

Regarding the Poems

 Thank you for reading the poems!

The poems are often not in the best of shape when I post them.  They go up because they get more editing that way.

All of the last ten poems I posted were edited after posting.

When someone reads an older poem, I can sometimes see the history.  I then go back and check it again.  Of course, it's too late for whoever read it, if I make a change, which I often do.

Some poems will never be ‘good’, due simply to my lack of ability. 

I am glad, though, that some readers find a bit of impact.

Fly Well In The Dark,


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Poem: Log Turtle Pond Dusk


Log Turtle Pond Dusk


shadow smooth,

mossy-lime shapes,

inconstant as frills

in a play of breeze,

and yet


a knuckle on a log,

a pond-shell oval,

reclines so meek 

above the darkling water,

almost fetal,

this turtle of the serene eve,

tucked into a serenade 

of lulls and swells--

of stars and Venus 

and the revelries of croakers.


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Poem: December Field


December Field


a juggle of sticks in a muddle of grass,

the field a whorled circus 

of basketry, ice, and all the old loves:


dregs of sepals 

posing as ants under spits of snow,


and the flaxen cross-stitches,

each a splurged drama of glacé feasts.


wormwood rouge, far too noisy

sports on the nosegays 

of rose thorns, web orts, and beetle crusts,


all of it, everywhere, 

tickled by a thistle.



Monday, December 6, 2021

Poem: Ants In The Dirt


Ants In The Dirt


before time began,

they slaved, just the same,

to build castles with a mortar

of dull, dutiful eyes.

the same busy, chitinous flame

which burned away giants.

the same foaming petty toil

that guzzled the hubris of the Gods

and left none.


the Flood came and went,

and huge fists of Stone from the void.

and yet the ants, just as now,

adapted without question.


even today,

in the nature of their feasts,

they branch through the blood

of extinct histories,


plying their stupid, invincible power.


there is no dust without ants,

and no ants without dust.

they tred on the corpses we have been

 and will be.


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Poem: Muddy Field


Muddy Field


it’s been long since mammoths

sank to gouge this slurpy fold,

or the mud wolfed down a pterodactyl.


it harbors hints of those creatures

stashed among many other memorabilia:

a zoo Noah’s Ark never attained.


someday the mud will eat humans

and their flagrant vehicles too.

all those pockmarks from rubber soles,

and crosshatches of truck tread,



the whole kit and caboodle,

down into the mucky, incoherent maze.


and then, stoic yet prophetic, 

the mud, that palimpsest undramatic,

will smile without smiling

under damselflies over rust.


7/13/24 eds

sole + soul