One of the essential ironies of our time is that
world-changing events are happening, things unseen in all of human existence,
or even since the beginning of the Earth--and yet somehow they fail to get much
serious attention from the general population.
Ice sheets melting away at the
top of the world. Land masses
sinking. Epochal extinction. The rise of robots, artificial intelligence, precision
genetics. And so on. The phenomenon of widespread numbness undercuts
our ability to think clearly. The 21st century citizen stresses and bustles
along, abetting these changes, hampered by a conscience riddled with blind
spots. It’s as if lightning were flashing
all around, and yet those in the storm insist on an appearance of drab
That the United States rose to greatness on the back of
genocide, and continues to be propelled by violence and viciousness, this is,
from the perspective of many Americans, basically irrelevant. The general behavioral pattern of the
population, in effect, proclaims, ‘Who cares?’
Consider the epidemic of sexual assault, mostly against women and
children, that runs wild in our society.
What is the general attitude? In
the nature of the daily routine, the people basically respond, ‘So what?’
This ethical vacuum extends even to issues that threaten our
very survival. The environment is degrading
in unprecedented ways. Yet this merits a
mere shrug. Or you get the ignorant,
“It’s always been changing.” If you
press a typical individual on even the most stark injustices, you often get an
answer that endorses the horror, like “It’s just human nature.”
With social ease we endorse horror while not even admitting
it is horror.
One of the hardest lessons for anyone to learn, because our culture makes it so, is
that, although the system looks rational and honest on the surface, it is
not. It is dishonest and
irrational. It is ugly below the facade
of a chiseled Justice, blindfolded, holding a scale. Perversely, we use our minds to hide from the
truth, not uphold it. The subtle acculturation includes all our institutions,
and proceeds via multiple interlocking subliminal prods, backed up by the very
real threat of poverty or imprisonment.
It’s very hard to learn about, and accept, that the ideals,
rituals and celebrations trumpeted by our culture actually reinforce
wrongdoing. It’s like being Truman in
the movie, The Truman Show, except far
worse. Every 107 seconds another person
is sexually assaulted in America (
Nuclear war could occur any day. It is quite plausible. If somehow humanity survived it, future people
would look back and label us as utter fools.
Indeed, we are utter fools whether or not nuclear holocaust occurs
because we have fostered conditions in which it could occur.
Magnifying our foolishness, if that were possible, are the constant
proclamations about America's greatness and “exceptionalism.”
Donald Trump has, for a brief time, has made us look at our
foolishness. He has brought the ugliness
out of the mental cage, yanked it from its hidden, numb niche. In so doing, he birthed
his own shocking, amazing moment. And he
has done it so fast that our mechanisms of denial can’t keep up. The virulent racism, xenophobia, sexism, and
homophobia that infect the American public have been laid bare. We are like bugs exposed by overturning a
stone. Even our institutions recoil. Even the Republican Party, a longstanding
proponent of (unstated) white superiority, is caught off guard. The GOP never wanted to confront this side of
itself. It’s as if Dorian Grey were
being forced to look into his secret sin-accumulating mirror.
It won’t last long, the shock. The pain of inner conflict is too great. We are too uneducated, have underdeveloped
ethical and emotional skills, to wisely handle our feelings. We turn to rigid ideologies--frameworks that
split the world into black and white--for mental support, at the price of the
ability to think freely. Our media and
institutions have already begun the process of normalizing Trump.
Soon he will be seen not as a vulgar, unethical bigot, but rather
as the new standard of an obnoxious, yet acceptable, right wing politician. A plausible enfant terrible.
Commentators are already tailoring their approach. They claim that his followers are simply protesting
the injustice of the establishment. This
“protest movement” explains and forgives Trump’s tendency to ballyhoo even the most
outlandish and bizarre claims, to cock-a-doodle forth whatever he wants, even the
most unwieldy lies.
This ‘protest’ slant by the media sugarcoats his sickness. The truth is, Trump can’t just say anything
he pleases. If he stopped promoting
white-superiority, he would fall. If he ceased
to champion the motto, “Make America White Again” (clearly that’s what it’s all
about) the hatred he has amassed and stoked would abandon him.
It’s simple:
Donald Trump = bigot.
And yet Hilary Clinton, the Democratic candidate, won’t say
that. She refuses to speak the obvious. No doubt she’s afraid of offending some
demographic slice. She is known to drop
racist cues herself, albeit not on the scale of her opponent.
Clinton embraces the mealy-mouth-ism that has made most
Americans sick of politicians. Our
leaders, including Clinton, have perpetrated decades of corruption,
transferring money from the middle class to the rich. Their duplicity and prideful arrogance have
fertilized a soil ripe for the xenophobia in which Trumpism takes root.
It is heart-wrenching to watch the national media bend around
fascism, accommodating and shielding it.
The Republican Party is in an early stage of acceptance, pretending
right now, it seems, that Trump is okay--forcing themselves to smile. You can almost see the psychological struggle
that results in awkward smiles and troubled faces, the mental pressure to
accept that Trump isn’t so bad after all.
You can almost see the truth being
stuffed away, deep into the subconscious, where it can’t be riled up by logic.
They are in turmoil, experiencing cognitive dissonance, but the
GOP is stepping into line, more and more eager to take up the banner of
hate. The more they accept Trump, the
more the hate coils over their hearts, like tendrils of a weed, taking control
in increments.
Calling Trump the leader of a “protest movement” is
fallacious. It ignores much, and implants
a twisted suggestion: that Trump’s message
is somehow enlightened, like the protest messages of the 1960’s. What a sad
misuse of semantics to satisfy the specious mind.
A common normalizing statement is, ‘He will bring
jobs.’ In other words, it doesn’t matter
if he is a virulent racist so long as we get some money. Racism isn’t so bad, not next to a paycheck.
It’s shocking, amazing.
Or it should be. So many
politicians who said Trump was terrible just months ago, who lambasted him with
the darkest rhetoric, now kowtow and roll over behind his monstrosity. It is gut-awful to watch. It validates how petty humans can be. No liberty.
No equality. Not decency. Just an hypocrisy beyond abhorrent.
There is opposition to Trump. Tens of millions of people. But many of them are making the mistake of
thinking that Hilary Clinton, a longtime
member of the establishment, isn’t part of the problem.
The Huffington Post, to its great credit, runs the following
editor’s note after pieces on Trump:
Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political
violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and
birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of
an entire religion — from entering the U.S.
Don’t expect the obvious to affect Trump’s followers. They epitomize the key insight that, first
and foremost, humans are not rational, but
rather psychological creatures. Trump is
consistently inconsistent. He speaks in
contradictions. This is not only fine
with his claques, it gives them an outlet for their hate. Hate thrives on ignorance, especially the
most willful. And what is more willful
than disregard for logical contradiction?
As long as Trump promotes whiteness and offers outlets for hate, he can curry
mass favor. He recently accused Ted
Cruz’s father of involvement in the JFK assassination. Ridiculous.
And yet it worked for his hardcore followers. It worked from the perspective
of championing ignorance and energizing hate.
If human society is to move forward, we must admit that
human beings are primarily psychological.
Advertisers and political campaigners already know this and act
accordingly. It’s a dangerous myth that
citizens will vote rationally, and thereby steer the country well.
Trump’s style goes back to despotism, the scepter-heavy
standard of might makes right. History
tells us that this leads to cycles of revenge and great bloodshed. But knowing this history requires
education. Trump has said, “I love the
poorly educated.” He surely also loves
fear. It’s hard to imagine someone
admitting they love fear--perhaps the most hardened criminal--but at some
level, Trump must. Fear is his grease.
In regard to normalizing Trump, Paul Krugman is perhaps the
best op-ed writer. He points out the
danger of “false equivalence”:
One candidate is engaged in wildly irresponsible fantasy
while the other is being quite careful with her numbers. But beware of news
analyses that, in the name of “balance,” downplay this contrast.
This isn’t a new phenomenon: Many years ago, when George W.
Bush was obviously lying about his budget arithmetic but nobody would report
it, I suggested that if a candidate declared that the earth was flat, headlines
would read, “Shape of the Planet: Both Sides Have a Point.” But this year it
could be much, much worse. (from “Trump
and Trumpism”)
We should all be shocked and amazed at the slide into dark conformity
taking place. The shameless
kowtowing. The descent into a yawning prejudice. Trump ‘s aggression is innately bellicose,
and threatens not only the moral nature of western civilization, but also its very
life. To quote Denzel Washington’s
character in the movie Crimson Tide,
“In the nuclear age, the real enemy is war itself.”
To put it another way, the mottos of ‘winner take all’ and
‘might makes right’, in the nuclear age, are the real enemy.
The spoiled-brat aspect of all this adds to the ethical grime. The American people have been the number one
consumers of energy, the number one spenders and guzzlers of endless
products. They have wallowed in
materialism and excess. Other people on
the planet, billions of people, live in penury.
Those who aggress for the right to carry a gun everywhere seem to forget
that their fancy piece of steel costs a year’s salary to many laborers around the
A few weeks ago, 60
Minutes aired a segment about a region in India where mine work is done by
families, including children, using hand tools.
They break rocks down with hammers.
On the show, a family couldn’t afford their first meal of the day until
they had earned enough money, which didn’t happen until around noontime. It was emphasized that a seven-year-old girl was going hungry, until
she and her family broke enough rocks with hammers.
We need empathy, if humanity is to survive, not hate.
In the 21st century, you would think that some of the wisdom
of the civil rights movement, of the women’s movement, of the LGBT movement, might
have taken hold. But progress has meant
some people progressing. It has meant a
bifurcation, two subcultures going different ways. The subculture of white superiority, if it
gets strong enough, will impose its will by force. As long as you win, all is good and fine, according to the new puppetmaster of this faction, Donald Trump. America was built on taking land from the indigenous peoples, after all. Because we were wicked yet mighty, we got a
new continent to ‘develop.’ We got to
spread our genes. And because we won, we
got to write the narrative, a narrative that claims we really weren’t
wicked after all. We were only exercising God’s decree. Manifest Destiny.
In the end, despite the sophistical rhetoric, we do get
judged. We are sworn in and sentenced by
our own actions. As individuals and as
collectives. Greed, as with previous empires, has been America's decline. The fuel of the country's immiseration.
The final judgement could
come very soon. If ignorance ‘wins’, we all go down. In the nuclear age, the real enemy is
ignorance itself.