Thursday, February 20, 2025

Poem: Philosopher In Condo


Philosopher In Condo


all rooms superfluous

except for the cave

where bookcases lean almost upside-down,

covers pressed

leathery wing to wing,

each the faintest squeak

of an arcane title




the philosopher hunches under a dim cone

to scrawl jagged autistic shibboleths

as randomish as

the dust motes which curl

to drift through the air.


his bathrobe dates to 19(something or other)

the terrycloth unraveled to

speak in many tongues

above Pendelton-wool shirt pockets.

a shabby-mad-genius chic.


his bed is a mattress sagged to

the floor, his pillows two encyclopedias

and a gift he gave to his daughter,

long discarded,

when she could barely say “teddy bear.”


now the daughter is ‘some age’ and has a

grandchild he sometimes likes to know,

if his toilet-seat thinker’s pose

becomes too tedious,

the cerebral weight of his thousands of books too heavy,

the ideas he seeks to crack too thick,

circling up to resist as intractable as

the scum on the porcelain

of the toilet bowl


and yet

emeritus life

has softened four decades of

implacable intellectual regimen,

so that now--just now--

for a fleet falter of a second,

his emotions

wonder what it would like to leap

out of concept,

what it would be like to see with eyes too misty for

Aristotle, Kant or Plato’s Theory of Forms? 


somehow this rogue emotion seeped through,

between the ticker tape of theoretical formulations

ceaseless and anal in his perfectionist mind.



2/20 ... changed a phrase

Based on a real person I knew well

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Poem: Land of the Blind


Land of the Blind


harsh and unkempt,

greasy smacking curses

leap from my mouth

to catch fire.


i discouse on ogres

who cannibalize each other

to become cyclopses,

chewing down onion-fat eyes.


that’s all there is, i proclaim,

gluttons made of cars, buildings and crowds,

who gobble as one

in singular blindness.


what if god

shined a spotlight on the spectacle,

captured the fierce greed

in so many gutted stares--


all that blood,

suddenly not so hidden,

trickles that drip down

off all those benighted chins?





The demagogue in Israel, Netanyahu, has ordered the removal of the Palestinians from Gaza, in accordance with the decree of the fascist dictator in America, Trump.   And so, ethnic cleansing and genocide are back, initiated on the global stage by Jews, who were victims of ethnic cleansing under the reign of the Nazis, and also by the USA, which helped defeat the Nazis during World War II.

Vast Evil has come around again, to threaten humanity, and the USA  and Israel are sinking in its muck.  

If there is a God, I believe that God gave the USA one last chance, under Joe Biden.  God said, "Here is Netanyahu, committig genocide and ethnic cleansing.  What will you do about it, Joe Biden?"  And Biden said to God, "I will supply the weapons for the genocide and ethnic cleansing."  And God replied, "Then you are no better than Trump, and you have damned your country to decline."  Joe Biden protested, "But I am better than Trump."  And God said, "I would have given the USA another chance, if only you had simply said that ethnic cleansing and genocide were wrong.  Instead, you commited them."


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Poem: Puny




the billion-year run

of silverfish

mocks my lonely strum

of a soul,


this blip of a vibe

on a noisy sphere,

which itself is but a tremble

in the vibrissa

of a galaxy.


and the universe itself,

so many fugues of spirals

of orchids in a garden

of wilt and rush.


what muse fuels

 my puny, soon-dead words?

some flashy palp 

of swift sliding star?

















“The predecessors of silverfish, along with those of jumping bristletails, are considered the earliest and most primitive insects. They evolved at the latest in mid-Devonian and possibly as early as late Silurian more than 400 million years ago.[31]”

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Poem: Walking Past Horses


Walking Past Horses


mustangs mutter at my shadow.

a neuron from their ancestors

mistook me for a tiger;

but quickly i become

just another dull patch,

like the cars blurring by.


maybe it lasted for a second,

the clarity of equine insight. 

when i look back the beasts

are wooden again,

shaggy brown shrubs

planted in dust.


most of their life festers

within a 10 x 10 fate.

none seem to remember

hooves as free as wings—


millennia have passed

since chisels likened horses

to seraphim.


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Poem: Together




golf-ball-wide and rusty

a lug nut found the toe of my boot

and rode it up up up

out of a land of dust. 

it rolled to employ my toe again

hop hop hop

across an arroyo basin

simmery with soupy heat.


after a long bout of scampers,

among the hot rod lizards

near a single cactus that could hardly grow,

the lug nut rolled against a stone,

cheek to cheek

and looked up at me

with an improbable angle

which signaled, perhaps,

that it didn’t want to jaunt



perhaps the lug nut and the stone

would lie together for centuries

until the nut offered the last of its rusty heart

to the stone.

and the stone would wilt

through a slow gauntlet of grief

until a last raindrop melted

the shimmer of its adoring eye.



2/8/25 . .. changed a word, fixed typo

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Poem: Up in the Foothills


Up in the Foothills


a moth wing

impaled on a cactus whispered


it saw my shoes

dogged by a pack of dust



in the hideaway of the sagebrush.


a moth wing …

i don’t know but


when the Chumash prayed

in this now-White place,


they didn’t see thousands of cars

or the Burger Kings


down below

in the ‘San Fernando Valley’


they .. .what can i say

about what they saw or tasted


when they partook of

(what we call) Jimson Weed?


a vision beyond ‘this place’?

a sip of some sacred fever?


‘this place’ of constant commericals

and money and property


that will not, cannot, shall not escape

the shallow cruelty of LA greed.





2/5/25 ... switched a phrase around

Los Angeles, circa ... 1990

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Poem: Plants



bodies of leaf and

arm and twig,


green green green

gold gold gold

blooms of pollen

and money and the

clocks clocks clocks

and the tick tick tick

of quantified rain

which drives the rush

of the weedy pots

knotted and stalled

and coiled around

binds of other pots

and plots with squares

and boxes and supervisors

who explain the world

as a wargame of gardens

whose roots wrestle, suffer

and strangle to serve

the superiors of the supervisors

whose logistics battle

fiscal enemies.


all those soul-drained lillies,

tulips, poppies and irises,

browns blues hazels emeralds

oranges and tourmalines,

bobbing in bustles

bent in downpours of seconds

black black black their coats--

what can they possibly see

in the stride and stress

of the hedges and pledges

of a kudzu destiny?


1/29 ... eds, fixed typos

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Poem: For Us


For Us


 we muddles of flesh

can’t fathom the insouciance of the sun,

prefer the wallows of shadow.


our priss-froze secrets

loathe the gnaw of dawn,

seek cloaks of ghasted rain.


noon practically stabs us.

lawful the bright candor

of its accurate purity.


the stars, heaven’s wards,

dog to mock our torn trellis

of bestial myths.


for us


to look at a sweet blue sky

is to vomit in fear

at how stupidly we bleed.


we carve and crave this darksome path,

in a flawless universe 

of beauiful math


and could have miracles for wings.

and yet any hint of hopeful feather

we claw to pluck,


lowering our heads to whine.




Today, or yesterday, Trump said Gaza should be "cleaned out," thereby sanctioning the gross and obvious international atrocity of ethnic cleansing.  Such is the world now, a place where genocide is back, despite all the warnings.  Despite all the "Never Again."

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Poem: Mantra of Web


Mantra of  Web


a sage ponders near ribs of silk

which catch light to draw wings


and concludes


there’s no stopping

life’s sweetsour trysts,


this truck

of flirt and declension.


gossamer, they conclude,

is no meaner than the moths

who scourge apple trees,


or the verdigris

on molded tangerines;


for even plants

have delicate sense

in wound, plight and savor.


more so,


in this beautiful orgy

of the world’s sucked and plumped,


who splices whom,

which ‘how' grafts onto what ‘why’?


a gardener, it is said,

is led along

by the bridle of a peach tree:


heated from the toil

for golden succulence

under the yoke of cultivation.


maybe, even, 

in the end,


the sparkles

in the halo of a spider

are the most innocent,


mere sequins

aside the sharp jewels

and fiery spangles


of war.







1/24/25 .. "mantra" replaces "philosophy" ... other mods

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Poem: Here




playfulness of light,

a skitter a scatter

of dapples atumble

alert beyond lesson

and quick as a wow!

immersed in riches

too valuable to possess;

and so soon gone

sifted into the next

casual roll of sun and sparkle

of moon and speckle.


here we are, you and i,

the two of us,

for the briefest of infinite joys

